
Our scoring practice allows our clients to provide a rubric supported score to student responses in multiple subjects. This includes written, spoken or video responses. Trivium has expertise in hand scoring academic writing and high-stake tests. We provide a holistic score as well as individualized and actionable feedback to students. With a team of over 200 scorers in both India and the US, we have a capacity to score 250K+ tests per year.

Key aspects:

  • English Language Experts, with specialized experts for Grammar Check, Citations’ Check, and Speaking test
  • SMEs for various subjects like Science, Economics, Math
  • Scoring and Feedback Types: Holistic | Analytic | Annotated | Tutoring
  • Data confidentiality through processes & best practices
  • Global scoring & support tailored to specific needs and aligned to standards
  • TAT: 24-hour | 7 Days

What Makes Us Different?

We support students as they prepare for standardized tests like SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and TOEFL, and college admissions by providing personalized and detailed grade reports for Writing and Speaking sections.

Great Feedback Starts Here


Experienced English Language Experts deliver individualized, exhaustive, and actionable feedback encouraging students to improvise their writing.

Dedicated extensive team of graders ensuring 24-hour TAT across 7 days.

Feedback and scoring aligned to the client provided rubric, aimed to support students in specific areas of writing growth.

Human scoring high-stakes real exams such as SELT, HSE credential, and Japan's English-language proficiency testing – a testimonial to our commitment towards quality and time sensitivity.

Trivium graders are former teachers, PhD scholars, and college and graduate students selected after a rigorous filtration process. They are supported with intensive training on client specific rubrics, calibration exercises, and consistent quality control checks.